Fairy DogParents

We were so impressed with this organization we came across, we had to share with you, we know most of our readers are just as passionate about animals as all of us here. Enjoy!    Fairy DogParents is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that helps prevent dogs from being surrendered  to shelters. They provide assistance with food, medical and general wellness needs of qualified dog recipients in Massachusetts. Fairy DogParents is 100% dependent on donations and cannot guarantee any goods or services for applicants. All payments go directly to those providing good and services. If you are faced with the choice of surrendering your dog because of personal financial circumstances you may qualify for  assistance.

The inspiration for Fairy DogParents was Ladybug – a rescue dog who changed  lives. Ladybug was 10 years old when she was adopted  and 14 when she crossed the rainbow bridge in January 2009.  Ladybug had many medical conditions and the family was fortunate enough to afford her prescription food, medications and regular vet visits.  After the family lost Ladybug they donated her prescription food and pills to the vet to help others who could not afford them.

To honor her FDP wanted to sponsor another dog who had similar needs but was at risk of being surrendered due to financial limitations.  After much research FDP could not find an organization that prevented dogs from being surrendered.

And Fairy DogParents was born- March 2009. The mission, help save dogs from being surrendered by keeping families together- you can help too!

For more info please check them out online at fairydogparents.org